You've stumbled upon my services page. Currently, I offer two types of services: Online Training, and In-Person One-on-One Training.
What is Online Training?
Online Training consists of a workout schedule/plan that is suited to your body weight, experience with working out, and more importantly, your goals and what you want to achieve. These workout schedule and plans are not something created by an online algorithm, but instead created by me. I will take the time and effort to ensure that your workout plan is to your needs. Not only that, but if there are certain exercises that you cannot do, or are not able to do because the lack of equipment, I give an alternative that is as-good as my original plan.
I will be a resource for you as well. It is not a full service until you finish your workout schedule. If there are things you are worried about, things you need changed, it is included in this plan. Furthermore, I will be a resource for you, whether you need help figuring out what meals to eat, what supplements to buy, or even when to workout, I will be there.
More information below on what the pricing of the online training will be.
What is In-Person One-on-One Training?
In-Person One-on-One Training is essentially the Online Training plan but with me physically there to help you out. This plan is a bit more complicated as the in-person training takes up a lot of time.
What is required for this plan is a dedicated time and location for us to workout. I prefer a public gym where I can vouch for the equipment to be safe and excellent. Gym membership at the gym agreed upon is not included in this plan. Please choose this plan if you are certain you can make the time and effort to meet me in a gym of our choosing.
More information below on what the pricing of the in-person one-on-one training will be.